EMD parts


102634 nut 5/8-18

102635 nut 5/8-16

103319 washer lock special

103320 washer lock special

103321 washer lock special

103339 Washer Standard

103343 Washer Flat

103345 Washer plain

103880 1/2 sq hd pipe plug

106260 Washer Flat

106497 Washer Regular

109084 Nut Hex 1/4-20unc

109101 bolt – round head sq neck

109113 bolt – round head sq neck

110633 nut hex machine screw

116487 connector 45° flare tube

120217 Washer

120380 Washer

120382 Washer

120384 Washer Regular

120388 Washer Type Flat

120390 Washer

120396 Washer

120521 Closed Clips

120915 Bolt Round Head sq Neck

121210 Pipe Nipple

131019 Washer Type Flat

132277 Screw Fillister Head Slotted

144034 Reducing Bushing

144043 Reducing Bushing

156554 Screw flat countersunk head cross

159920 Screw pan head

179793 Bolt Hex head 1/4-20 x 5/8

179795 Bolt hex head 1/4-20 x 3/4

179814 Bolt Hex Head 5/16-18

179820 Bolt Hex Head 5/16-18

179839 Bolt 3/8-16 x 1

179885 Hex Bolt 1/2-13 x 1.50

179841 Bolt Hex head 3/8-16 x 1.25

179845 Bolt Hex 3/8-16 x 1.75

179848 Bolt Hex head 3/8-16 x 2.25

179850 Bolt Hex head 3/8-16 x 2.75

179887 Bolt 1/2-13 x 1.75

179889 Bolt 1/2-13 x 2.0

180021 Bolt Hex 1/4-20 x .88

180122 Bolt Hex 1/4-20 x 1.00

180177 Blot 1/2-13 x 1.5

180190 Bolt Hex 1/2-13 x 3

186282 Bolt Hex 3/8-16 x 3.25

187397 Pipe Coupling

187867 Pipe Nipple

189061 Reducing Bushing

219333 Pipe Nipple

271569 Bolt Hex 5/8-11 x 3.75

271609 Bolt Hex 3/4 -10 x 1.75

271617 Bolt hex head 3/4-10 x 3.5

271771 Bolt Hex

271776 Bolt head Head 3/4-10 x 3.25

271867 Bolt hex head 1″-8 x 5″

273675 Bolt Hex head 1 1/2-6 x 5.5

436570 Screw Poan Head 10-24 x .5

446362 Washer

453669 Pin Spring

3386393 1/2 coupling

6956038 Light Assy

8005015 Coupling -angle bracket

8024774 uncoupling Clevis

8032754 Nut 1 1/2-6 slflkg

8032761 Nut 1/2-13 slf locking

8032767 1 1/8-7 slflkg

8035649 Washer – 1/4 spr lk

8042835 Tee 3/4 npt

8044154 Union 1/2

8044155 Union 3/4

8044156 Union 1

8044157 Union 1 1/4

8044253 Coupling 1 1/4

8080639 Flange

8086528 Flange

8059609 Flange

8086257 Flange

8065827 Flange

8024709 Flange

8058701 Flange

8058702 Flange

8059061 Flange

8050024 Flange

9554138 Flange

8059610 Flange

8086256 Flange

8060027 Flange

8096028 Flange

8060974 Nipple 3/4 short

8061935 Coupling 1 pt

8072848 Coupling-angle brkt

8077777 Pipe 1.25

8080329 Nipple 1 x 3

8080403 Lamp 25W

8081625 Clamp

8081630 Clamp

8081632 Clamp

8081663 Clamp

8081666 Clamp

8081678 Clamp

8081680 Clamp

8081686 Clamp

8081687 Clamp

8081690 Clamp

8081700 Clamp

8081706 Clamp

8081710 Clamp

8081712 Clamp

8082984 Shim

8086257 Welding Flange

8089226 Nipple 1/2 x 4.5

8090338 Nipple 1 x 4.5

8094886 Lamp 50W

8095871 Nipple 1/2-6

8112564 Stud

8089857 Stud

8088758 Stud

8345659 Stud

8110596 Stud

8099729 Stud

8099730 Stud

8088757 Stud

8110560 Stud

8110556 Stud

8132003 Stud

8267025 Stud

8089856 Stud

8110535 Stud

8123977 Stud

8088196 Stud

8098358 Stud

8256992 Stud

8109392 Stud

8090917 Stud

8112355 Stud

8090915 Stud

8090022 Stud

8110658 Stud

8117320 Stud

8241304 Stud

8186628 Stud

8104907 Stud

8112211 Stud

8281999 Stud

8103638 Stud

8110769 Stud

9327340 Stud

8089939 Stud

8094414 Stud

8109272 Stud

8090916 Stud

8165462 Stud

8246373 Stud

8090963 Stud

8094087 Stud

8454162 Stud

8106215 Stud

8098129 Stud

8137713 Stud

8112399 Stud

10664434 Stud

8143806 Stud

8098128 Stud

8087381 Stud

8257057 Stud

9513222 Stud

8370148 Stud

8303457 Stud

8127836 Stud

8141341 Stud

8258685 Stud

8250781 Stud

40062331 Stud

8137803 Stud

8312758 Stud

8319255 Stud

8089993 Stud

9519233 Stud

9335687 Stud

8087708 Stud

40127611 Stud

40136807 Stud

9501757 Stud

8100171 Sheave Asm

8105889 Nipple 1.25 -4

8106088 Angle

8108115 Clamp ASM

8108118 Clamp ASM

8108126 Clamp ASM

8108127 Clamp ASM

8108128 Clamp ASM

8108130 Clamp ASM

8108197 Clamp ASM

8108214 Clamp ASM

8108217 Clamp ASM

8108220 Clamp ASM

8108272 Clamp ASM

8109970 Clamp

8109991 Nipple 1/2 x 3.5

8110552 Elbow 1/2

8110685 Angle

8110694 Angle

8112626 Nipple 3/8 x 4.5

8113314 Nipple 3/4-4

8119263 Clamp ASM

8119307 Tubing 1/2

8119865 Nipple 3/4 x 6

8120777 Washer Fiber

8120779 Washer Rubber

8123506 Pad tapping

8125229 Nipple 1 x 6

8127089 Angle

8127662 Spring Cabinet

8128273 Elbow 2 w

8128501 Tee 1W

8128507 Elbow 3/4

8128516 Elbow 1 1/4

8128522 Elbow 3/4

8129079 Clamp ASM

8129080 Clamp

8130477 Pipe tee sw

8130823 Elbow 1 w

8132798 Nut 3/4-10 slfkg

8135898 Angle

8137270 Nipple short

8140912 Washer

8145013 Perforated Sheet

8147756 Angle

8149020 Nipple

8149023 Nipple 3/8 x 7

8142855 Outlet thread

8152176 Outlet thread

8158007 Outlet thread

8160598 Outlet thread

8183384 Outlet thread

8190995 Outlet thread

8205852 Outlet thread

8215005 Outlet thread

8216899 Outlet thread

8217708 Outlet thread

8218751 Outlet thread

8226869 Outlet thread

8226979 Outlet thread

8227682 Outlet thread

8234808 Outlet thread

8238644 Outlet thread

8238716 Outlet thread

8238717 Outlet thread

8241559 Outlet thread

8246563 Outlet thread

8246564 Outlet thread

8251705 Outlet thread

8252907 Outlet thread

8256199 Outlet thread

8256337 Outlet thread

8256952 Outlet thread

8265359 Outlet thread

8265543 Outlet thread

8266440 Outlet thread

8276414 Outlet thread

8281593 Outlet thread

8282107 Outlet thread

8282108 Outlet thread

8282109 Outlet thread

8282110 Outlet thread

8282111 Outlet thread

8282112 Outlet thread

8282113 Outlet thread

8282114 Outlet thread

8282115 Outlet thread

8282116 Outlet thread

8282117 Outlet thread

8282118 Outlet thread

8282119 Outlet thread

8282120 Outlet thread

8282121 Outlet thread

8282122 Outlet thread

8282123 Outlet thread

8282124 Outlet thread

8153087 Nipple 3/8-5

8153092 Nipple 3/4 short

8153095 Nipple 3/4 x 2.5

8153107 Nipple 3/4-4

8153134 Nipple 1-3

8153147 Nipple 1-4.5

8153236 Nipple 1 1/4 short

8153519 Nipple 1/4-6.5

8154284 Nipple 3/4 x 9.5

8156065 Angle

8161167 Block Gauge

8161168 Block Gauge

8161169 Stem

8161174 Nut-cap

8161175 Nut -Cap

8161253 Gasket

8161254 Gasket

8162329 Wheel Valve

8162983 Lever Lock

8171512 Pad tapping

8171880 Coupling

8173259 Elbow 3/4

8198380 Insert swvl-flg

8267304 Insert swvl-flg

8173555 Insert swvl-flg

8173557 Insert swvl-flg

8173566 Insert swvl-flg

8173560 Insert swvl-flg

8173562 Insert swvl-flg

8173565 Insert swvl-flg

8270411 Insert swvl-flg

9332600 Insert swvl-flg

8262423 Insert swvl-flg

8177714 Insert swvl-flg

8173548 Swivel Flange

8173552 Swivel Flange

8173558 Swivel Flange

8173563 Swivel Flange

8173568 Swivel Flange

8177712 Swivel Flange

8175045 Plate

8179065 Jacking Pad

8188840 Terminal Lug

8190621 Lamp-30W

8191302 Pad tapping

8197004 Pad

8199089 Retainer

8199213 Angle

8200400 Sheave Hand break

8200401 Bushing

8200891 Connector 2 way butt

8203088 Body Assy

8203089 Lock ASM

8205448 Fill port CAP

8206549 Step Thread

8209003 Angle

8209004 Angle

8209285 Pad Tapping

8209329 Terminal Lug

8209924 Mounting Plate

8210498 Terminal Lug

8213686 Pad tapping

8219252 Clamp

8219253 Clamp ASM

8228544 Lug 225/24

8230081 Bracket

8321649 Tube Glass

8262136 Tube Glass

8311791 Tube Glass

8306456 Tube Glass

8348409 Tube Glass

8265735 Tube Glass

8171695 Tube Glass

8412094 Tube Glass

8171565 Tube Glass

8171702 Tube Glass

8243327 Tube Glass

8161173 Tube Glass

8370680 Tube Glass

8170012 Tube Glass

8268246 Tube Glass

8245707 Tube Glass

8341688 Tube Glass

8477891 Tube Glass

8418420 Tube Glass

8485313 Tube Glass

8370577 Tube Glass

8436207 Tube Glass

8248702 Flange

8251651 Lubricant Rubber

8258896 Pad Tapping

8258899 Strainer Assembly

8259584 Block

8259607 Shim

8267306 Coupling 3/8

8269391 Coupling 3/8

8271502 Elbow 1/2 x 3/8sw

8276335 Coupling 1/4 ptw

8277376 Step Channel

8277377 Thread Grip

8288945 Pad

8292644 Terminal Lug

8306322 Bottom

8306323 Side


8324229 Coupling 3/4 special

8324230 Tube ASM

8250975 Liquid tight connector

8330798 Liquid tight connector

8240530 Liquid tight connector

8249517 Liquid tight connector

8249438 Liquid tight connector

8251627 Liquid tight connector

8335284 Liquid tight connector

8335601 Elbow 45 FCM

8335602 Elbow 45 FCM

8335603 Elbow 45 FCM

8335604 Elbow 45 FCM

8335605 Elbow 45 FCM

8335606 Elbow 45 FCM

8335607 Elbow 45 FCM

8335608 Elbow 45 FCM

8337602 Angle

8337603 Clamp ASM

8338889 Gauge Glass

8338890 Gasket

8338907 Housing Gauge Glass

8354565 Aspirator ASM

8354773 Washer Plain

8354923 Clamp

8354984 Block

8356009 Tee – 1/2-1/2-3/4


8358612 Pad

8360372 Pipe

8347667 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8250161 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

40070479 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

9566782 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8292681 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8086270 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8024974 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8224254 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8110775 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8228948 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

5512632 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8167446 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8005132 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8004876 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8121403 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8004941 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8004942 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

40058567 Bush-M STR RL-Chart

8361469 Cover ASM

8365016 Chain Guide

8365603 Link Cabinet Lock

8370862 Elbow 3/4W-1/2W

8377133 Pad

8383334 Angle

8383342 Baffle

8383345 Pipe

8383346 Bracket

8383347 Angle

8383583 Pipe 1/4

8383584 Gauge block asm

8383585 Channel

8383728 Fuel Gauge ASM

8075711 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085103 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075712 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085104 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075713 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085105 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075714 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085106 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075715 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085107 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075716 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085108 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075717 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085109 Rigid-Flex CDT

8075718 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085110 Rigid-Flex CDT

8085111 Rigid-Flex CDT

8206395 Rigid-Flex CDT

8459618 Rigid-Flex CDT

8240495 Rigid-Flex CDT

8330800 Rigid-Flex CDT

8240496 Rigid-Flex CDT

8249519 Rigid-Flex CDT

8249520 Rigid-Flex CDT

8249521 Rigid-Flex CDT

8251897 Rigid-Flex CDT

8334593 Rigid-Flex CDT

8387359 Shield Start Motor

8387678 Catch Lock

8387679 Body Lock

8414166 Body lock

8387680 Body ASM

8387681 Pin-Lock

8387682 Retainer

8387683 Spring

8387684 Rivet special 1/4

8387698 Bracket Lock

8390336 Cover

8392352 Plate

8393012 Guard Support

8393013 Guard Support

8393014 Guard Support

8393015 Guard Support

8394043 Pipe

8397324 Flange

8399675 Channel

8399676 Guard Asm

8403677 Pipe Assy

8407807 Angle

8412325 Smith Valve

8412717 Pipe 1″

8414678 Fuse 800 A

8420722 Ring

8421501 Shield Microphone cable

8423393 Valve 3/4 Body

8427194 Sleeving Insulation

8439090 Keystone Draft Gear

8439336 Pin

8444052 Pipe

8447062 Gusset

8456480 Stud plate

8458451 Terminal Lug

8461451 Bolt ASM

8467908 Valve 3/4 PT CO

8468437 Baffle

8469028 Angle

8470082 Stud plate

8470101 Pad

8470103 Stud Plate ASM

8410735 Plate End

8473114 Pad

8492730 Pipe 1/2

8493748 Pipe

9312358 Channel

9316730 Pipe 2

9320591 Tube

9329980 Pipe 1/2

9332735 Pipe 1

9337341 Sight Gauge

9416532 Nut Type CLT Hex

9416545 Nut Type CLT Hex

9417151 Nut type e piloted

9417152 Nut Metric Type E Piloted

9417159 Nut Type E Piloted

9417160 Nut Type E Piloted

9417165 Nut type e piloted

9417170 Nut Type E Piloted

9417178 Nut Type E Piloted

9427227 Bolt Hex head

9429773 Bolt Hex Head

9433521 Rivet Button Head

9511728 Couplier Carrier

9511737 Pad

9513207 Cable 5 Cond #16

9513274 Pipe 1 1/4

9513361 CBL-3-Cond Shielded

9516472 Bar

9516473 Bar

9516474 Bar

9516475 Pad

9516492 CPLR Carrier ASM

9516493 Pad

9520074 Bracket

9522822 Pipe 1

40106112 Terminal Lug

40088780 Aspirator ASM

103878 Plug Square Head

118753 Elbow 45 deg Flare

8040313 Connector 3/8-3/8

40026395 Strain Relief

40022403 Molding strain relief

40046619 Valve Smith

10662654 Pipe

10662609 Pipe ASM

10662654 Pipe

10634811 Pipe

8137270 Nipple-1 Short

8090338 Nipple 1 4 1/2

40046619 Valve

8044156 Union 1 pt

8130823 Elbow

8128501 Tee

8164049 Wire

10661485 Cleat

40051370 CPC Strain Relief

9541013 Main Frame

9541039 Main Frame

9541294 Main Frame

9569326 Main Frame

9569329 Main Frame

9569786 Main Frame

8346389 Cleat

9094307 Cleat

9541298 Pad end support

9536767 Cleat

8159128 Block support

9536767 Cleat

9541163 Air Box section

9543792 Block Support

9543793 Block support

9557474 Channel Air Box

8345081 Support

8345082 Support

8038643 Bushing

8038644 Bushing

8038645 Bushing

8038646 Bushing

8038647 Bushing

8038648 Bushing

8038649 Bushing

8038650 Bushing

8038651 Bushing

8038652 Bushing

8035626 Gear-Governor

8039671 Bushing

10633381 exhaust stack

9320549 Bushing

8038594 Bushings

8038595 Bushings

8038596 Bushings

8038597 Bushings

8038598 Bushings

8038599 Bushings

8038600 Bushings

8038601 Bushings

8038602 Bushings

8038603 Bushings

9094878 Pad

40022085 Lock Bolt

40022911 Collar

40034493 Collar-1

9544069 Cam Shaft Driver Housing Machined

9541681 Cover Air Box

8214066 Pad Tapping

8234706 Pad

8367086 Pad Tapping

8387485 Pad

9529257 Sheet Side

9529261 Cover

9529264 Pad

9529265 Pad

9529266 Flange ASM

9529267 Gusset

9529268 Sheet Side

9529421 Angle

9529678 Sheet Side

9529679 Angle

9531507 Pad

9534315 Flange

9546222 Air Duct Assembly

9546223 Sheet top

9546655 Air Duct ASM

2804094 Blower Motor

9541498 Retainer Cylinder Head

9541720 Retainer Cyl-Head

9541721 Retainer CYL Head

9569809 Retainer CYL Head-FRG

8433925 Lube Oil strainer Housing

9529285 Cover Accessory Dr

40045685 Ballast

453669 Pin

8205448 Cap ASM

8258896 Pad Tapping

8258899 Strainer Assy

8306322 Strainer Bottom

8306323 Side

10631707 Sand Box ASM

10633874 Channel

10634525 Angle

10635068 Filler ASM

10635069 Sheet

10635070 Sheet

10635073 Tube

10636852 Angle

10634577 Motor Bracket & Linkage ASM

10634582 Heavy Duty Clear Flex Blade

10635264 Heavy Duty Clear Flex Blade

10636275 Pantograph Arm ASM

10644017 Outer Spacer Assy

10644019 Motor Bracket & Linkage ASM

K1745042 Wiper Motor Kit ASM

8439090 Draft Gear and Yoke

8420236 Draft Gear and Yoke

10635124 Pivot Pin Casting

10635125 Pivot Pin Machining

9541159 Exhaust Elbow

9541561 Exhaust Elbow

9541560 Exhaust Elbow

9544559 Rocker ARM

9544420 Rocker Arm injector

16141726 Rocker Arm Forging

8175600 Clamp-Cable

8281475 Terminal Lug

10634827 Pipe ASM

8354118 Bearing Connecting Rod

40037904 Cutler Hammer

40050359 Ground relay

8357415 Relay

8363168 Relay

40024444 1200 Amp Contactor

40067784 Cutler Hammer 3 pole AC Contactor

40010561 GFD Contactor

40034361 3 pole AC Contactor

40034362 2-pole AC Contactor

9325207 Contractor DC Starting

40021091 Shackle

155866 Screw flat csk

155941 Screw flat csk

156331 Screw flat csk

449223 Screw flat csk

8144419 Pad

8301753 Sealer

10632933 Cab door lock

10644130 Pad

40046423 Hinge

40084164 Washer Plain

40072028 Shim

40070371 Bar

40057907 Rail

9533676 Washer 1 1/4

10632261 Lever-coupler release

10632263 Lever-coupler release

10649211 Pad Tapping

10661196 Bar




10661402 Coupler Head Assy

10661464 Plate ASM

10661486 Plate

10662459 Shim

10663231 Buffer ASM

8319657 receptacle 3 pole

40114085 Pressure transducer

40082929 Sander ASM

40082881 Wheel ASM

40082675 Bracket ASM

40082132 Plate

40081035 Plug

40081036 Plug

40081037 Plug

40080263 Break cylinder

40080262 Break cylinder

40076808 Rod Retainer

40076807 Bushing Rubber

40075177 Half Cylinder Wear

40075098 Bearing Adaptor Spacer

40074313 Tube Traction Rod

40072028 Shim

40070371 Bar

40071800 Cable -2 cond #12 TWT

40069952 Bracket

40061670 Cable-3 cond/#16

40061249 Pad tapping

40058105 Female contact

40048088 Female contact

40048541 Female contact

40058106 Female contact

40057907 Rail

40056148 Plate

40056127 Plate

40055395 Terminal Lug

40054714 Plate

40052345 Spring

40052344 Lever Lock

40051073 Terminal Lug

40050819 elbow

40050816 CPLG-1

40049623 Bracket

40048985 Insert-w-grnd bar

40048088 Female contact

40048006 Bush

40048005 Guide Pin

40047990 Hood

40046619 1: Smith Valve

40045770 Channel 10619375

40045685 Ballast

40045684 Ballast

40036366 Bushing Traction Rod

40027697 Bushing

40025866 Shim 1/8 thick

40025186 Channel

40024076 Plate ASM

40024075 Strip

40024074 Plate

40021896 Spacer

40020449 Channel

40020105 Pad

40019587 Bolt Hex Head

40019324 Cable #20-2 Cond

40004279 Seal Ring

40001233 Block

40110494 Electrical Tape

40110495 Electrical Tape

40110496 Electrical Tape

40110497 Electrical Tape

40147402 Electrical Tape

40150403 Electrical Tape

40153521 Electrical Tape

40153522 Electrical Tape

8459984 Plug 3 pole male

40054807 Plug circ 32a

9417178 Nut Type E Piloted

9561999 Terminal lug

9551652 Insert -11/4FL-11/4 W

9548205 Pipe 1 1/4

9539828 Pipe 1 1/4

9530184 Catch

142487 Pin Cad grooved

442919 Pin

8028723 Nut 5/8-18

8052307 Button Valve Bridge

8052327 Screw Adjustment

8146111 Pin-Cam follower

9546229 Rocker Arm Sub

9546230 Rocker Arm ASM INJ

9563714 Race inner

9571597 Roller ASM

8031925 Spring Button

8028849 Pad

8032693 Tubing 1/2 OD

8089200 Spline nut

8133575 Bracket

8133956 Plate-Crab Support

8140865 Bracket

8159128 Block Support

8224298 Pad

8238537 Pad

8344176 Outlet Water

8345081 Support

8345082 Support

8345707 Ring support

8346155 Tube Breather

8348556 Bolt 3/8-24

8348619 Plug 3/8 PT

8353118 Forging Water Outlet

8412532 Washer Special

8433263 Sleeve-Water Manifold

8453838 Bushing Locator

9315759 Base Rail Section

9319169 Insert

9540877 Support-End

9540880 Support

9541159 Oil Manifold cover

9541496 Plate Side Cover

Posted in InventoryList.