ZJ40 Truck-mounted Drilling Rig-SJ Petro
1.ZJ40 Truck-mounted Drilling Rig
2.SJ Petro
4. Z04000000491AA Mast assembly
5. Z04010000009AA Mast lower section
6. Z04010500004AA Latch pin unit
7. Z04020000018AA Mast upper section
8. Z04020000154AA Cathead cylinder unit
9. Z04120000011AA Crown block assembly
10. Z04120200003AA Sand sheave assembly
11. Z04120900005AA Crown sheaves
12. Z04121000005AA Fastline sheaves
13. Z04121200001AA Deadline sheaves
14. Z04130000011AA Crown block platform
15. Z04150000017AA Mast base
16. Z04160000156AA Racking board assembly
17. Z04160208025AA Racking board body
18. Z04170000038AA Centralizer, telescoping cylinder
19. Z04180000007AA Mast support
20. Z04210000054AA Guyline assembly
21. Z04220000001AA Regulator of load guyline
22. Z04230000010AA Mast foundation assembly
23. Z04240000073AA Front support assembly(with load guyline
24. Z15010000154AA Standpipe assembly
25. Z01000000058AA Power system
26. Z01030000022AA Transfer case assembly
27. Z01020000147AA Connection of engine and transmission
28. Z01090000002AA Connection diagram of fuel lines
29. Z01130000004AA Preheating and warming system
30. Z01200000024AA Air filling system
31. Z02010000011AA Deck frame assembly
32. Z02200000002AA Wireline for 5t hydraulic winch
33. Z02080000002AA Rear mechanical jack assembly
34. Z02040000008AA Rear suspension assembly
35. Z02070000003AA Front mechanical jack assembly
36. Z02040000016AA Front suspension assembly
37. Z02030000016AA Steering mechanism
38. Z02030900002AA Steering power assisting cylinder
39. Z05000000143AA Substructure assembly
40. Z05010200005AA Escaping sliding way
41. Z05010300013AA Column I
42. Z05010300014AA Column II
43. Z05010400285AA Stairs
44. Z05010400288AA Stairs assembly
45. Z05010601268AA Guardrail assembly
46. Z05010800001AA Dolly
47. Z05011200133AA Bottom assembly
48. Z05011200134AA Bottom assembly
49. Z05011400069AA Rotary table beam
50. Z05011401131AA Top assembly (left)
51. Z05011401141AA Top assembly(right)
52. Z05012100001AA Rotary table area
53. Z05012200052AA Setback area
54. Z05020100112AA Pipe ramp
55. Z05020200121AA Catwalk and pipe rack
56. Z05020300044AA Pipe rack
57. Z05090900001AA BOP handling guiderails
58. Z03010000164AA Main drum
59. Z03030000028AA Sand drum
60. Z03050000136AA Drawworks frame and guard
61. Z03070000007AA Right angle gear box
62. Z03180000001AA Installation of upper drive box and lower
drive box and tong counterbalance unit
63. Z03280000003AA Auxiliary brake system
64. Z06020000004AA Lower chain case
65. Z06110000001AA Rotary table drive lower box
66. Z06110000002AA Rotary table drive upper box
67. Z07260000042AA Schematic diagram of hydraulic system
68. Z07150000016AA Cathead cylinder
69. Z07050000002AA Cathead cylinder lines
70. Z07060200001AA Two bank valve lines
71. Z07060000012AA Seven bank valve lines
72. Z07030000002AA Raising lines
73. Z07120000001AA Raising cylinder
74. Z07060300002AA Three bank valve lines
75. Z07130000033AA Telescoping cylinder
76. Z07040000002AA Hydraulic winch lines
77. Z07010000003AA Oil pump lines
78. Z07020000002AA Jack lines
79. Z07140000002AA Jack cylinder
80. Z07140000009AA Jack cylinder
81. Z07080000003AA Steering power assisting lines
82. Z07320000004AA Latch pin cylinder lines
83. Z07320000005AA Latch pin cylinder
84. Z08280000170AA Schematic diagram of air system
85. Z08270000019AA Chassis air system diagram
86. Z08120000002AA Differential lock lines
87. Z08030000002AA Deck frame air lines
88. Z08150000001AA Cab lines
89. Z08060000002AA Drawworks lines
90. Z08130000003AA Air suspension lines
91. Z08340000001AA Front drive lines
92. Z08090000001AA Hydraulic pump lines
93. Z08040000002AA Throttle shutdown lines
94. Z08110000002AA Carrier brake lines
95. Z08070000001AA Rotary table lines
96. Z08390000002AA Air compressor assembly
97. Z08180000001AA Spinner lines
98. Z08200000001AA Crown-o-matic air cylinder
99. Z08240000001AA Valve saver
100. Z09000000150AA-AED Wire connection diagram of cab
101. Z09000000150AA-AED Wire harness of chassis
102. Z09000000150AA-AED Wire harness of engine
103. Z09000000150AA-AED Driller’s control box harness
104. Z09000000150AA-AED Front wire connection plate terminal
layout diagram
105. Z16020000002AA Self-controlled pulley
106. Z16120000012AA YG250 hook assembly
107. Z16120000045AA Traveling block and hook assembly
108. Z16120100016AA Traveling block assembly
109. Z16140000004AA ZP275 rotary table assembly
110. Z16180000028AA Mud board