Rosemount 3051SFC Conditioning Orifice DP flow transmitter
Rosemount 3051SF Flowmeters integrate the Rosemount 3051S with industry leading primary elements. Capabilities include:
Flowmeters are factory configured to meet your application needs (Configuration DataSheet required)
MultiVariable capabilities allow scalable flow compensation (Measurement Types 1–4)
4-20 mA HART, Wireless, and FOUNDATION Fieldbus protocols
Ultra for Flow for improved flow performance across wider flow ranges
Integral temperature measurement (Option Code T)
Advanced Diagnostics (Option Code DA2)
Direct or remote mount configurations available
Rosemount 3051SFC Compact Flowmeter
Compact conditioning flowmeters reduce straight piping requirements to 2D upstream and 2D downstream from most flow disturbances
Simple installation of compact flowmeters between any existing raised-face flanges
Specification and selection of product materials, options, or components must be made by the purchaser of the equipment.